Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires 12, Cadiz


126.994 € (100%)


126.994 €

70 Investors


Operation Total:

126.993,73 €


0,00 €

Total to finance:

126.993,73 €

Internal Rate of Return (IRR):

10,52 %

Gross Rent Return

8,40 %

Net Rent Return

4,79 %

Cash on Cash

5,64 %

Return on Equity (ROE)

4,79 %
What do these figures mean?

Total operation: Total project investment.

Mortgage: Banking financing that will be requested to achieve the project.

Total funds: Funds requested from investors.

IRR: Return offered by the investment.

Gross Return on Rent: Total rent income divided by the total cost of the operation.

Net Rent Return: Return of the investor for the rent (once all the expenses of the project have been deducted), with respect to the total of the operation.

Cash on Cash: Income obtained by the shareholder in relation to his investment.

ROE: Net Financial Return for the Shareholder.

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Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires 12, Cadiz


126.994 € (100%)


126.993,73 €

70 Inversores



126.994 € (100%)


126.993,73 €

70 Inversores


Operation Total:

126.993,73 €


0,00 €

Total to finance:

126.993,73 €

Internal Rate of Return (IRR):

10,52 %

Gross Rent Return

8,40 %

Net Rent Return

4,79 %

Cash on Cash

5,64 %

Return on Equity (ROE)

4,79 %
What do these figures mean?

Total operation: Total project investment.

Mortgage: Banking financing that will be requested to achieve the project.

Total funds: Funds requested from investors.

IRR: Return offered by the investment.

Gross Return on Rent: Total rent income divided by the total cost of the operation.

Net Rent Return: Return of the investor for the rent (once all the expenses of the project have been deducted), with respect to the total of the operation.

Cash on Cash: Income obtained by the shareholder in relation to his investment.

ROE: Net Financial Return for the Shareholder.

Property information
Project summary
Financial information
Market study
Project summary

Why invest in this apartment?

23% disccount over Februrary´s price

30 thousand euros disccount

High demand of these kind of properties

Large, mid, and short-term rentals

The lowest price per square meter ever bought in Cádiz

Despise its great location and typology

Information about the apartment

We continue working and trying to take advantage of the current uncertainty, in order to look for the best real estate bargains. We want to buy now all the properties that will be much more expensive in just a few months.

We are back with a new brand opportunity with a large price discount (Euro 30K) from its February´s price. Despite its fantastic location, it is the cheapest price per square meter that we have ever bought.

Our goal, as usual, is to buy and refurbish this apartment, getting all its vacation rental permits. This time it is going to be almost like flipping the property, as the final selling price we have forecast is still lower than the current market price. Although we want to sell the property as soon as possible, Brickstarter will be managing and renting the property until that moment comes.

In our business plan, we have assumed that the tourist sector will be in crisis until the end of 2025 and therefore we will be renting the property as a mid-term rental during most of the year.

This is a very conservative assumption, as it implies that the tourist sector won't recover during the 2021-2025 period.

In case it recovers so we manage to rent the apartment as a vacation rental property the whole year long, the yield will increase notably. Also with a higher demand for vacation, rental properties, we will manage to sell the property sooner than forecast in our current business plan.

Main reasons to invest in Buenos Aires:

  • We are buying this property with a 25% discount price over its initial price back in February 2020. It is the lowest price per square meter we have ever bought in Brickstarter. We will be able to sell the property in a short period of time, as the forecast selling price per square meter is under the current market price.
  • Location. It has a perfect location in downtown Cádiz, the historic center. It is surrounded by Universities (more than 26 thousand students and workers), hospitals, and all the touristic points of interest.
  • Typology. It is a one-bedroom and one bathroom apartment with a spacious living room and an integrated kitchen. It is a very spacious and bright property with a small dressing room. Located on the ground floor of a recently renovated building, it complies with all the requirements to obtain a vacation license. 

Performance of similar apartments

Profitable properties, similar to this one that are generating profits to their investors

Monthly short-term net interest delivered in 2019: 731 eur/month

Current mid-term income: 530 eur/month

Similar apartment but worse location for mid-term rentals

Current mid-term income: 550 eur/month




Casco histórico

Property registry number


Type of property

Vacation Rental Property

Type of investment

Vacation Rental Property

Square meter


Number of rooms


Number of bathrooms







Five minute walk to University

Perfect for students and University employees

Seven minute walk to La Salud and San Rafael Hospital

Perfect for doctors and hospital workers

A 1 minute walt to Plaza Mina and Plaza San Antonio

Perfect for tourist during the summer months

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